Adults (20-40):Before & After Photos

Surgeries performed by renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Mordcai Blau, M.D., P.C., White Plains, NY

Case #110

Adults (20-40) Adults (20-40)



Adults (20-40) Adults (20-40)
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Adults (20-40) Adults (20-40)
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Adults (20-40) Adults (20-40)
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Patient: 110
Age: 20
Location: Albany Area Schenectady New York
Post-Op Breast reduction for men (Gynecomastia) Photos: 3 months

This is a 24-year-old patient who is 6′4″ and weighs 200 pounds suffered from Gynecomastia. He came to Dr. Blau for a consultation from Albany Area, Schenectady, New York. He decided to have Dr. Blau perform his Male Breast Reduction Surgery. The pigmentation that the patient had adjacent to his areolas was the same as before surgery. The patient is very happy with his results.

Individual Results May Vary