Adults (20-40):Before & After Photos
Surgeries performed by renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Mordcai Blau, M.D., P.C., White Plains, NY
Case #65

Patient: 65
Age: 44
Location: Binghamton, NY (Broome County, Upstate New York)
Post-Op Breast reduction for men (Gynecomastia) Photos: 1 Year
This 44-year-old patient from Binghampton, NY wanted to correct his Male Breasts, known as Gynecomastia, or female-like breasts. The patient underwent corrective surgery performed by Dr. Mordcai Blau, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. He was please to learn that Dr. Blau is a world authority and an accomplished author in the subject of Gynecomastia surgery and that Dr. Blau has developed his own gynecomastia surgery technique known as the “natural blend technique”. The mammary tissue was excised, followed by a small amount of liposculpture. The surgery did not require a drain for the patient. He was extremely pleased with the outcome of his surgery and would recommend Dr. Blau to anyone thinking of having the same procedure.