Adults (20-40):Before & After Photos
Surgeries performed by renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Mordcai Blau, M.D., P.C., White Plains, NY
Case #95

Patient: 95
Age: 26
Location: Stamford, Connecticut
Post-Op Breast reduction for men (Gynecomastia) Photos: 1 Year
Enlarged male breasts corrective surgery before and after photos of a 26-year-old male patient who traveled from Stamford, Connecticut to see accomplished author and world authority on Gynecomastia (large male breasts), Dr. Mordcai Blau. After years of vast experience – 95% of his practice consists of corrective plastic surgery for enlarged male breasts, Dr. Blau has developed and perfected a unique method of surgery. Dubbed the “Natural Blend Technique,” this method uses minimal and usually inconspicuous incisions in combination with resection of 95-98% of the glandular breast tissue. This patient is very happy with his decision to have corrective surgery to reduce his enlarged male breasts (post operation photos of this patient from Stamford, Connecticut were taken at one year). Dr. Blau has patients who travel from Cleveland, Ohio; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Newark, New Jersey, as well as throughout the country and around the world.