Adults (20-40):Before & After Photos

Surgeries performed by renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Mordcai Blau, M.D., P.C., White Plains, NY

Case #97

Adults (20-40) Adults (20-40)



Adults (20-40) Adults (20-40)
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Adults (20-40) Adults (20-40)
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Adults (20-40) Adults (20-40)
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Adults (20-40) Adults (20-40)
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Adults (20-40) Adults (20-40)
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Patient: 97
Age: 39
Location: Bronx, NY (New York City, New York)
Post-Op Breast reduction for men (Gynecomastia) Photos: 1 Year

Before & After Plastic Surgery Pictures of a 39-year-old man from New York City who was troubled by Gynecomastia, enlarged male breasts, and decided to undergo male breast reduction surgery performed by Dr. Blau. He chose Dr. Blau, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, because he is one of the world\’s utmost authorities on gynecomastia surgery. The procedure included glandular tissue excised, followed by a small amount of liposculpture. The incision is less than 1 inch long, and looking at before and after gynecomastia surgery photos above, you can see that it is not noticeable. After the gynecomastia surgery, this patient was no longer self-conscious and was happy to remove his shirt in public.

Individual Results May Vary