Adults (20-40):Before & After Photos

Surgeries performed by renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Mordcai Blau, M.D., P.C., White Plains, NY

Case #101

Adults (20-40) Adults (20-40)



Adults (20-40) Adults (20-40)
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Adults (20-40) Adults (20-40)
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Adults (20-40) Adults (20-40)
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Adults (20-40) Adults (20-40)
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Patient: 101
Age: 26
Location: Hartford, Connecticut
Post-Op Breast reduction for men (Gynecomastia) Photos: 1 Year

Male patient with Gynecomastia or overdeveloped male breasts. This 28-year-old man from Hartford, Connecticut consulted with board certified Dr. Mordcai Blau, a world authority and leading Gynecomastia expert. In 2007, Dr. Blau was featured as an experienced Gynecomastia surgeon in the American Society of Plastic Surgeon’s prestigious journal, Plastic Surgery News. Dr. Blau determined the 28-year-old patient a good candidate for corrective male breast reduction surgery to treat his enlarged male breasts condition. The procedure performed involved excising glandular tissue followed by a small amount of Liposculpture and did not require a drain. In the after male breast reduction photos taken at one year, the appearance of the incision is unnoticeable. This young man is pleased with the outcome from his male breast reduction surgery. 95% of Dr. Blau’s practice consists of Gynecomastia surgery with 35% traveling from other states. Places like New Haven, Connecticut; Salem, New Hampshire; and the Baltimore – Washington DC area.

Individual Results May Vary