Adults (20-40):Before & After Photos

Surgeries performed by renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Mordcai Blau, M.D., P.C., White Plains, NY

Case #155

Adults (20-40) Adults (20-40)



Adults (20-40) Adults (20-40)
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Adults (20-40) Adults (20-40)
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Adults (20-40) Adults (20-40)
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Adults (20-40) Adults (20-40)
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Patient: 155
Age: 34
Location: Long Island New York
Post-Op Breast reduction for men (Gynecomastia) Photos: 2 months

Before and after photos of a 34 year old Suffolk County, Long Island, NY male, who is 6’3 and 240 pounds. The patient consulted with Dr. Mordcai Blau, board certified plastic surgeon with over 20 years experience, for his Gynecomastia. This is a condition that occurs do to a build up of mammary tissue beneath the male breast resulting in an enlargement and it caused a great deal of discomfort and self-consciousness for the patient. He had learned that not only is Dr. Blau respected world-wide as a leading authority in Gynecomastia surgery and is even a well-accomplished author on the subject, but also that he has developed his own surgical treatment for Gynecomastia correction called the “Natural Blend Technique.” The patient received male breast reduction surgery, excising the mammary tissue, along with a small amount of liposuction. Only 2 months following the procedure, the photos show a vast improvement in the contours of the patient’s chest. The patient is very happy with the results and is relieved to be free from his prior embarrassment.

Individual Results May Vary