Gynecomastia Surgery for Bodybuilders:Before & After Photos

Surgeries performed by renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Mordcai Blau, M.D., P.C., White Plains, NY

Case #22

Gynecomastia Surgery for Bodybuilders Gynecomastia Surgery for Bodybuilders



Gynecomastia Surgery for Bodybuilders Gynecomastia Surgery for Bodybuilders
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Gynecomastia Surgery for Bodybuilders Gynecomastia Surgery for Bodybuilders
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Gynecomastia Surgery for Bodybuilders Gynecomastia Surgery for Bodybuilders
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Gynecomastia Surgery for Bodybuilders Gynecomastia Surgery for Bodybuilders
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Patient: 22
Age: 23
Location: Brooklyn, NY (New York)
Post-Op Gynecomastia in Bodybuilders Photos: 1 Year

This patient, a 28-year old male from Brooklyn New York City, became a bodybuilder as a teenager and developed a true gynecomastia condition. He is in terrific shape, but his breasts made his chest appear more feminine than he would have liked.

After interviewing a few plastic surgeons about gynecomastia surgery, the patient came to Dr. Blau because his outstanding reputation. Subtotal excision of the mammary gland was done through a sub-areolar incision of 1 inch long along the border of the lower areola and chest skin. There was no need for liposuction as there was no fatty tissue. The New York competitor was extremely happy with his flatter, more masculine chest and as you can see in the post-op pictures, the scar is not noticeable. Dr. Blau sees many patients from all over the country including Charleston, West Virginia, Roanoke, Virginia, and Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Call Dr. Blau’s office at (914)-428-4700 if you would like to find out more information about being a patient.

Individual Results May Vary