Combined Procedures:Before & After Photos

Surgeries performed by renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Mordcai Blau, M.D., P.C., White Plains, NY

Case #2

Combined Procedures Combined Procedures



Combined Procedures Combined Procedures
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Combined Procedures Combined Procedures
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Combined Procedures Combined Procedures
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Combined Procedures Combined Procedures
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Patient: 2
Age: 37
Location: Nassau County, Long Island, NY (New York)
Post-Op Gynecomastia with other procedures Photos: 3 Months

Enlarged Male Breasts Corrective Plastic Surgery Before and After photos of a 37-year-old Long Island, NY patient. Even with diet and regular exercise, this patient could not reduce the size of a noticeably larger breast and the extra fat that had accumulated around his belly. Impressed with Board Certified plastic surgeon Dr. Mordcai Blau’s knowledge, experience, and reputation on Gynecomastia (enlarged male breast), this unhappy man turned to Dr. Blau for help. A combined Gynecomastia surgery and liposculpture was done – involving liposuction of his chest, stomach, waist, and the back area. A drain was not needed. Pleased with the outcome of his surgery, this patient happily recommends Dr. Blau to others. This patient’s corrective plastic surgery for enlarged male breasts post operation photographs were taken at 3 months.

Individual Results May Vary