Pseudogynecomastia:Before & After Photos

Surgeries performed by renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Mordcai Blau, M.D., P.C., White Plains, NY

Case #18

Pseudogynecomastia Pseudogynecomastia



Pseudogynecomastia Pseudogynecomastia
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Pseudogynecomastia Pseudogynecomastia
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Pseudogynecomastia Pseudogynecomastia
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Pseudogynecomastia Pseudogynecomastia
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Pseudogynecomastia Pseudogynecomastia
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Patient: 18
Age: 25
Location: Queens, New York City (NY)
Post-Op Pseudogynecomastia Photos: 6 months

This is a 25-year-old male patient who is 6′3 and weighs 285 lbs from Queens, New York. He found he could not reduce the size of his Gynecomastia and, despite his efforts, he he did not have enough motivation and will power to do so. He decided to consult with Dr. Mordcai Blau, board certified plastic surgeon with over 20 years experience. The patient had learned that Dr. Blau was renowned across the globe as the utmost authority in Gynecomastia surgery and had developed his own surgical method of surgical correction called the “Natural Blend Technique.” The Male Breast Reduction Surgery was done with Power Assisted Liposuction Surgery and some Gland Excision which shows the best results that could be achieved. Patient was extremely happy and feels a new motivation to change his lifestyle.

Individual Results May Vary