Severe Gynecomastia:Before & After Photos
Surgeries performed by renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Mordcai Blau, M.D., P.C., White Plains, NY
Case #17

Patient: 17
Age: 40
Location: Brooklyn, New York (NYC, NY)
Post-Op Severe Cases of Gynecomastia Photos: 9 Months
This 40-year-old man from Brooklyn, New York had a severe case of gynecomastia primarily comprised of fatty tissue and excess skin. After losing approximately 100 pounds he had a lot of excess skin and his breasts sagged. They were as large as a B cup when compared to women. He came to Dr. Mordcai Blau for gynecomastia surgery because Dr. Blau’s reputation as the top gynecomastia surgeon in the world. He was pleased when he heard Dr. Blau has developed his own gynecomastia surgery technique known as the “natural blend technique” for correcting the gynecomastia condition. His surgery included incision around the nipple areola complex, followed by liposculpture. Excess skin was not removed, as it will shink to fit around the new contour once excess tissue is removed. A very small 1 inch incision was used which resuls in minimal scarring. The patient is now comfortable removing his shirt and feels relived of the social stigma he felt. Dr. Blau sees many patients from all over the country including St. Paul, MN; Davenport, NC; and Charleston, SC. Call Dr. Blau’s office at (914)-428-4700 if you would like to find out more information about being a patient.