Unequal and Tubular:Before & After Photos

Surgeries performed by renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Mordcai Blau, M.D., P.C., White Plains, NY

Case #3

Unequal and Tubular Unequal and Tubular



Unequal and Tubular Unequal and Tubular
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Unequal and Tubular Unequal and Tubular
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Unequal and Tubular Unequal and Tubular
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Patient: 3
Age: 35
Location: Bronx, New York City, New York
Post-Op Unequal and Tubular Photos: 6 Months

About this Tubular Breast Augmentation Procedure:

This 35 year old from Bronx, New York City, New York presented in my office with Right hypomastia (small breast) and a saggy Left Breast.

In other words unequal, non-symmetric Breasts which may be a modification of “Poland Syndrome.”

Our plan was to perform Breast Augmentation of the Right Breast and Breast Lift of the Left Breast.

The patient opted to do first the Right Breast implant and do the Left Breast Lift in the future. Being from New York City (Bronx) she was only 30 minutes from my office.

The Breast Augmentation was done through periareolar incision and sub muscular. Saline Implant (300cc) was implanted.

Six months before and after post-op breast implant photos shows the augmentation of the Right Breast.

Patient was extremely happy with the Breast Implant and her general appearance and decided not to pursue the Left breast lift at this time.

Observe the change in the before and after breast augmentation pictures.

Individual Results May Vary